Best Shampoo for Breast Cancer Patients

Hair loss is a common side effect of chemotherapy, and it can be a distressing experience for cancer patients after having gone through cancer treatment. Hair loss typically starts 2-4 weeks after beginning chemotherapy. It may continue to thin gradually or fall out in clumps. It's a good idea to prepare mentally for this process. Using the same shampoo that you normally use for your hair type may be no longer be suitable as your hair and scalp changes during and after treatment.

How to Set Powerful Intentions for 2022 - Start the Year STRONG AF!

“I can’t believe it’s February already!”

If you’re like me and want to start 2022 off strong, but quickly come to the realisation that January is done and dusted, then I’ve got a treat for you. The solar new year may be on the 1st Jan, BUT, the lunar new year was only last week!So let this post be your sign/permission to re-do 2022! Yay! So……. BEFORE I list down my new year resolutions, goals, or desires that I want to achieve this year, I FIRST set an intention.

Deciding on Breast Reconstruction? Love Your Body Either Way.

Are you thinking of getting breast reconstruction? If you’re in the early phase of thinking about breast reconstruction then this post is for you, because I’m going to raise some important issues that will guide you in your decision making, so that hopefully you can gain more clarity in your thought process to ensure that you make the decision that’s right for you. Whatever road that you choose it's important to work internally on your body confidence and self acceptance. This is a challenging journey that completely redefines who we are on the inside as well as the outside.

Finding the Courage to Prevent a Relapse

Have you ever asked yourself what it was you did to get cancer? Because when you’re clear on the answer, it allows you to put the brakes on cancer development and to prevent a cancer relapse. A cancer recurrence is something that all cancer survivors would like to. But how many of us struggle with trying to make healthier lifestyle changes? When we look to the external world about what we should do we are always chasing for the "cure". However, when we look internally and take inventory of our life, that's when we get the personal breakthroughs that drive our behaviour.

How to Take Charge and Build Unshakable Inner Strength After a Cancer Diagnosis

When you’re first diagnosed with cancer you’re probably beside yourself with worry, fear and anxiety. Your future suddenly seems so uncertain. In this post I tell you exactly how to take charge of your cancer diagnosis by understanding how your beliefs and mindset can have a huge impact on your recovery. I believe they are the key foundational piece for unshakable inner strength.

I Have the Breast Cancer Gene. Finding the Positives in the BRCA-1 Mutation.

Receiving the results of my genetic testing was a confronting experience. In this post I talk about how I had fought to get my genes tested in the midst of chemo in order to make an informed decision regarding surgery. I also highlight the positives of being a breast cancer patient with the BRCA-1 mutation such as better prognosis and more treatment options.

Harness the Power of Facebook Groups to Help You Beat Cancer

I wish I’d known about Facebook groups. Getting diagnosed with breast cancer in my late 20s was extremely lonely. I had to miss out on big family events like my sister’s wedding overseas because I was in the middle of my chemo treatment and too scared to catch a flight because of risk of infection. So while my family was celebrating, I was busy stressing out about pumping up my veins so the nurses can easily insert the cannula on chemo day. While my friends were busily going about their day at work, I was stressing out whether feeling breathless was a sign that I had a blood clot in my lungs.It totally sucked.

9 Simple But Effective Ways to Maximise Chemotherapy While Minimising Side-Effects

In today’s post, I’m going to share with you the things I did during chemotherapy that allowed me to achieve a complete pathological response and how I also breezed through chemo with minimal side-effects. I also digged deeper into some of the studies looking at how to increase the effectiveness of chemotherapy which you may wish to implement during your treatment.

What Causes Breast Cancer? The Risk & Real Factors You Need to Know

Most women think that getting breast cancer is bad luck. This is false and what's even worse is that oncologists are spreading this false statement simply because there is no universal cause of breast cancer. In this post I look at the current evidence on the risk factors in order to gain understanding, can better assess and minimise our own risk factors for breast cancer. If you have a family history or you're looking to reduce a recurrence then this is a must read article