Deciding on Breast Reconstruction? Love Your Body Either Way.

Are you thinking of getting breast reconstruction?

If you’re in the early phase of thinking about it then this post is for you, because I’m going to raise some important issues that will guide your decision making, so that hopefully you can gain more clarity in your thought process to ensure that you make the decision that’s right for you. 

Ok let’s get into it.

If you’re pretty set on a single or double mastectomy where do you even start in terms of thinking about the possibility of breast reconstruction.

 Start with making the first decision.

So the first thing that you want to think about is whether you want to have any form of breast reconstruction at all or remain flat. When I was going through my breast cancer, I honestly didn’t think that going flat was an option.

My breast surgeon was so worried about my body image because I was so young when I was diagnosed (I was 29 years old at the time) that I just got caught up in what they thought and never really thought  about the benefits of going flat.

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So I just want to put it out there that going flat is an option for you and that no one says that you must undergo breast reconstruction to feel whole again.

Cultivate Self-Acceptance Within You

What’s becoming more and more apparent to me is that body confidence comes from the inside and nothing to do with how perfect you look on the outside.

And what is perfect anyway?

You see if you feel confident on the inside that in of itself is such an attractive quality, because people around you can see and feel that you’re confident about yourself then they’re naturally drawn to you.

Just think about it, you can have the perfect quote unquote body, but if you’re not accepting of yourself on the inside you may still don’t feel good or attractive enough on the outside– what really matters is the relationship you have with your body that will determine the level of self-confidence.

Don’t let others or society dictate whether you need reconstruction or not because we are more than our cleavage.

 I want you to check out this dove commercial of a breast cancer survivor who is strutting her stuff and feel confident and accepting of her mastectomy scars.

So even though you feel like you just want to move on with your life and get through this journey as fast as you can, I think this period is a perfect opportunity for us to work on our self acceptance and self love.

So if you’re thinking about breast reconstruction, make sure that you’re doing it for yourself and not to please someone else. Because honestly, we breast cancer survivors can and need to redefine beauty in our own terms.

 Have a vision

 The second thing that you want to think about is what are you goals for breast reconstruction.

I wanted to have the least invasive surgery as possible even though I might not achieve the most realistic reconstruction possible. And I was ok with that.

So start thinking about what your goals. Explore the different options available, because there are couple of different options depending on your situation when it comes to breast reconstruction. So for example, some women might not want anything artificial in their bodies so they are against having implants.

So ask yourself what’s really important for you in terms of your values and the outcome of the reconstruction.   

 Reconstruction is a long process – be patient

 The third tip that I have for you when you’re thinking about reconstruction is to be patient.

Look reconstruction involves many steps, sometimes multiple surgeries along the way it can be a long and painful process. So expect things to take time and make sure that when you consult with your plastic surgeon that they explain to you the steps involved in the type of reconstruction you want. If you’re having radiation after your mastectomy then you need to wait for at least a year for the radiated tissues to heal.

Because after radiation, the tissues are no longer as regenerative and therefore wound healing after the surgery can be compromised.

So not only do you have to wait for the healing after radiation, but if there are complications that arise, this can make the reconstruction process even longer. So make sure that you’re clear on what the timelines are for recovery.

And if complications do arise then expect things to take time to heal and make progress. So the key takeaway here is to be patient and not get frustrated when things take longer than they should.

So for example, right now as we’re dealing with this covid-19 thing, many hospitals have cancelled their elective surgeries and many patients who have planned on getting their reconstructive surgeries are now delayed and have to re-schedule their surgeries.

 Align your vision of breast reconstruction with a surgeon that gets YOU.

 The third thing that’s very important once you have that clarity is to find a surgeon that aligns with your vision and empathetic to your concerns.

Now you want to find a really good plastic surgeon that specialises in breast reconstruction because this isn’t an easy procedure and can come with complications.

Having said that the first plastic surgeon that I saw that partnered with my breast surgeon was too much of a perfectionist and he wasn’t listening to what I was envisioning for my reconstruction.

And usually at the consult, you’ll be able to gauge how comfortable you are when you walk out that door.

Do you feel happy that you’ve been heard and that they have a great plan for you, or perhaps you feel like they’ve missed the mark and totally don’t see or hear you at all. And there’s no reason why you can’t have multiple opinions.

My plastic surgeon that I eventually went with was actually my third opinion. So take your time in finding the right one.

 It’s Not Now or Never

 You probably know that cancer treatment is long and hard and maybe you’re wanting to do reconstruction but right now you’re too exhausted.

So, if your mind and body is just too tired right now and that’s ok. No one says that you have to do reconstruction right away. You can stay flat for right now and in fact, you can do reconstruction anytime you want in the future.

Maybe you’ll be in a better headspace in a few years time and your body has recovered from all the treatment that you’ve done.

Or maybe in a few years time you’ve changed your mind. Who knows right.

The most important thing is to not rush into things when you’re not ready.  

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