A helping hand, when you need it most.

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I'm so glad you're here ...

Now that you've stumbled upon my site, let's get to know each other. If we haven't met before, my name is Trifina Sofian.

  • You were probably in living your life, cancer wasn't even in your radar and boom now your life has been turned upside down.

  • I want you to know that you're stronger than you think

  • Being diagnosed with cancer doesn't have to be scary, it can be life-changing and empowering journey.

  • Believe it or not only a small part of cancer is about medicine

  • A big part has to do with conquering the mental challenges that pop up on every corner of your journey

I Believe.

  • Getting diagnosed with cancer is a wake up call to living a more aligned life.

  • Conventional cancer treatment can heal us and harm us at the same time. It is what you do after cancer treatment that will make a difference.

  • There is no magic bullet. There is no magical tropical fruit that will cure cancer. It is through understanding the unique factors in YOUR LIFE that made cancer flourish in the first place and implementing lifestyle, behavioural and environmental changes that takes advantage of cancer’s weaknesses and our own natural anticancer defences that you’ll have the best chances of being cancer free.

What can your "new normal" look like?

Some of you have just been recently been diagnosed and are scared right now. I've been there!

Cancer makes us feel helpless and powerless.

But imagine if... 

  • You had the FORESIGHT to easily navigate through cancer treatment

  • You can GROW from your experience.

  • Find an inner STRENGTH and CONFIDENCE you never knew you had.

  • NOURISH and HEAL your body after cancer treatment

My mission is to guide you in finding a healthier and stronger version of yourself. Mental resilience is the key difference between thriving or merely surviving.

So, I like a little story. Here is mine.

I live in Melbourne, Australia with my husband and my beautiful 4 year old daughter. I moved to Australia when I was 6 years old. I have a PhD in biochemistry and medical research experience from Monash University.

I always had a passion to help people. I've always wanted to be a doctor, but I didn't get in to medical school, so I instead, I pursued a career in medical science. I was so excited to be at the forefront of medical research and I dreamt what every other scientist dream of - which is to make an amazing discovery - like a cure for cancer. Little did I know that before I tured 30, I would be diagnosed with cancer. 

So that brings us to now - 10 years from my cancer diagnosis. My passion is to help women like you feel empowered in your cancer journey. You can call me your personal cancer recovery and mindset coach.

Now Let's Chat About You.

I would love to know bit more about you. Don't be shy and let me know what you're struggling with so I can better help you in your journey. You can also find out how private coaching can help you thrive during cancer treatment and beyond.

  1. Chat to me in real time on FB Messenger. Simply start typing on the chatbox on the bottom of this page.

  2. Chat to me in real time on Instagram. Simply follow my instagram @youngandcancerfree and send me a direct message.

  3. Or send me a private message using the form below.

Send me a private message.