3 Steps to Cultivate More Faith and Belief in Your Cancer Treatment

Cancer isn’t easy.

Especially when you’re about to embark on a new treatment, you’ll have a crisis of faith and belief that the treatment will work.

So how then can you summon up your inner strength when you’re feeling uncertain, because hope seems to wear thin on your shoulders?

It’s important to check with yourself on the level of hope and confidence if you undergo this treatment because it will determine how powerfully you’ll show up in your healing journey.

The more that you believe you will beat cancer, the more effective inspired action you’ll take, resulting in a more favourable result or outcome. Whereas the less belief you have that you will beat cancer, the less effective action you will take, (which may also mean you take no action because of missed opportunities) and this will result in a less favourable outcome.

So as you can see the quality of your beliefs determine the quality of your results from treatment.

And so the question becomes, if we have low belief, wavering faith, and dwindling hope about our treatment…

How can you cultivate greater belief?

How do you cultivate unwavering faith?

And fill yourself up with hope?

In this blog post I want to share with you the principles I teach my clients in the Cancer Boss Coaching Program how to strengthen their inner faith and conviction that their treatment will work.

My coaching methods are practical and they rely on cultivating personal power, so it doesn’t matter…. what the odds the doctor have given you, it doesn’t matter if your previous treatments have failed, and it doesn’t matter what religion you associate with.

What really matters is your mind, your brain and your willingness and commitment to apply these principles and change your thought patterns.


Step #1 - Access the Quantum Field

If you’re the type of person that follows the works of Joe Dispenza then you’ve probably heard about Quantum and healing being spoken in the same sentence. If you haven’t heard of him then never mind because his work can be confusing.

If you’re like me that got kinda lost and kinda understand the quantum but kinda don’t, then I will explain to you what it is in simple terms that the average person can grasp.

The Quantum is essentially an energy field where all possibilities exist. In essence there is a reality where you are healed from cancer. And there is a reality where you didn’t heal from cancer. This is kind of hard to wrap my head around and it probably is for you too because heck physics isn’t a strong suit for many.

So here comes the simple part.

To access the Quantum (where all possibilities exist) is simple.

Even though it’s simple, some people find it not so easy - but here goes.

The portal to the Quantum is the present moment.

You can’t be in the past. And you can’t be in the future.

So if you can’t be in the past, you will need to release the past failures meaning any past memory of failures involving you or any other person.

Maybe your previous treatment didn’t work, maybe you felt like you had taken a step back in your healing journey, maybe you feel like your body is slowly declining, maybe you’re thinking about that person you know that died from cancer.

When you are in the present moment, it doesn’t matter has happened in the past. What catches people out is that they try to predict the future based on past experiences. When you think about the past or the future, you’ve immediately taken yourself out of the present moment and you’re no longer accessing the Quantum Field.

So release the past and future because they don’t exist. The past and the future are just mental constructs - something that we create in our mind. What is real is the moment of NOW. Every second is a new moment of NOW. And every second that you are present, you are accessing the Quantum.

Step #2 - Make a Decision on the Result Before You See the Result

Once you’re able to be in the present moment, think about the issue you’re dealing with this moment.

Are you in active treatment?

Are you looking for new treatment?

Whatever you’re dealing with, the next step to create more faith and belief in your treatment result is to make a decision on the result BEFORE you see the result.

Read that last sentence again to make sure you really get what I’m saying.

For example if you’re in active treatment, decide in your mind that the treatment will work no matter what. You will make it work. You will ensure it works. And so you have to commit to that result over and over again as often as you can.

If you’re looking for new treatment then decide in your mind that you’re going to find new and effective treatment. You will find a new treatment no matter what. That is just the result that you’re creating for yourself.

Decide and commit over and over again no matter the circumstance. Do not entertain any other alternatives. In fact there are no other alternatives because you’ve accessed the reality where your treatment HAS WORKED.

Step #3 - Take Massive Inspired Action

When you’ve decided that that is your reality, that you are moulding reality with your decision to create the result that you want, then the how will start to reveal itself.

The decision you have made in Step 2 is like putting in a location of where you want to go into your GPS system.

Many people make the mistake of not knowing where they want to go. Most cancer patients are a passive passenger being taken for a ride to nowhere in particular. They have no vision. Or their vision isn’t clear and accurate enough. So their GPS system gets confused and has taken them to the wrong location.

So make sure that in Step 2 you are clear with the results that you want. No wishy washy decisions.

Once you have FIRST decided on and committed to a result then the magic begins.

Opportunities will suddenly appear that is unexpected.

Clarity comes to what you need to do.

Doors will open for you.

But quite often they will be unexpected.

The way forward is not what you think would happen.

What’s happening here is your subconscious mind automatically routing a path to your destination. Your subconscious mind will be whispering to you and nudging you, here’s the way! And this is when you need to listen and take massive inspired action. Massive action may look like lots of action.

But what I think is more important is that:

Massive action is action taken from massive belief.

And that is how you cultivate the feeling of certainty and safety within yourself.

In fact YOU become the source of certainty and safety and when you’re able to self-source that emotional need, then your confidence in your cancer healing journey will explode. We do this work everyday inside of my Program Cancer Boss Coaching. I hope you will join me in cultivating more faith and belief. Book your timeslot for a FREE initial consult.