5 Great Stories of Long Term Triple Negative Breast Cancer Survivors

For 7 years, knowing there were long term survivors for TNBC was one of the key things that kept me positive. It was the one fact that I could cling to that kept me going when things were tough. You see, when I got that diagnosis I knew it was serious. The emotions I felt during those first few weeks were the darkest I've ever felt in my life.A part of me believed it was a death sentence, but the survival part of me began searching for real-life proof that it wasn't so. Even though I'm a scientist by training, I didn't want statistics. I needed a more human kind of proof.

I Had These 5 Signs & Symptoms of Breast Cancer (Plus How I Avoided a Misdiagnosis)

Do you have these 5 signs and symptoms of breast cancer? I suffered these symptoms years before I could feel a lump and was diagnosed by my doctor. I was only 29 years old when I was diagnosed with no family history of breast cancer so this was such a scary thing for me. My doctor wasn't worried and dismissed it. In this post I want to share with you these signs and symptoms in the hope that I can save one woman's life by diagnosing at the early stages and not letting anyone ignore her concern.

Getting Back to Healthy Eating + Helpful Tips for the Busy Person

When I was first diagnosed with cancer, it was a huge wake up call for me to evaluate my lifestyle and made me aware of how unhealthy I was living. Because I was so scared that cancer would get the best of me, I was hugely motivated and changed my eating habits instantly. 

I would juice a few times a day, eat all the cruciferous vegetables, minimised my meat consumption and avoided dairy and sugar. It was easy peasy because at that point in my life, fear was driving me to eat healthy in a way I had never done before.

However, it’s now been six years from diagnosis. The anxiety and fear of a cancer recurrence has somewhat dissipated and frankly so has my motivation for healthy eating.

My life also looks different now. Busier. (Who's life isn't?).

I'm now focused on caring for my daughter. And it's hard work, taking up all my time and energy.

I've finally managed to get her to love broccoli.

Ok, I lie.

How I Handled Fear After My Cancer Diagnosis

When I was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 29, I feared for my life.

No one close to me had been affected by cancer so I thought getting diagnosed was a death sentence. Six years on, I know this is not true because I’m still alive and still NED, short for no evidence of disease.

But back then, when my doctor broke the news that the lump in my left breast was not benign but cancer, those first few nights terrorized me. I was petrified.